Thursday, December 30, 2021

Moderna Booster Shot ...

Dec 30, 2021 ~  Yesterday I went to Hong kah North  Community Club in Bukit Batok for my scheduled Covid 19 Booster Shot. As usual I went driving to the said venue all by myself . 

I was not expecting a huge crowd coz it's a weekday when people were normally mostly at work during this time around 1:30pm. Happy to see that the place was not crowded at all . Thus, I went in earlier than my time slot. Early to go in, means early to leave too . 😉😉😉. 

I didn't feel any pain at all during the first few hours but I felt a bit tired and I fell asleep for about 3 hours the moment I reached home. I woke up around 6pm and was awake during the night . I had been watching tv all night thinking I would be ok without much pain & any side effects overnight . 

Unfortunately, Today my arm where the injection was became stiff, hard as stone and very swollen. Geeezzzz, it was annoyingly painful that I had to put a warm beanbag on it to lessen the swelling several times. I even felt so tired all day that I was laying down on the sofa like a dead log. I had even started getting sick late at night too. No high fever though but I felt so so tired and my body was aching all over . Even my feet were getting cold that I had to massage them both with oil to heat them up and then wear socks. Fever had started to set in ! 
Oh My God ! 😩😪😭

photo from : asianlite.ukiA

I had the Moderna Booster shot  and the 2 vaxx before this booster were also from Moderna. I didn't want to shift into any other coz my body had already adapted to this brand. So, why do I need to look and change into something else ? I had experienced a bad case of Anaphylaxis before so I am very sensitive to certain type of drugs / meds. I cannot in fact take in any NSAIDs medication at all.

What Are NSAIDs?

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, or NSAIDs ( pronounced en-saids ), are the most prescribed medications for treating conditions such as arthritis. Most people are familiar with over-the-countern nonprescription NSAIDs, such as Aspirins and Ibuprofen.

Being sensitive to certain drugs, I am a person who needed to watch out for everything. I need to be very careful with meds I take into my body. 1 mistake could be fatal. so better be careful than sorry without coming back ! Know what I mean ?

Anyways, Now I need to rest my aching arm and find some much needed sleep. 

Now I won't worry much about being sick with covid19 coz I now had my booster. Rest assured that I am somehow protected once the virus decides to come my way, Knock on wood that it changes its course and go somewhere else tho..

LOL ...😷😷😷🙏😷🙏😷🙏


Saturday, December 18, 2021

December 18, 2021 ~ Have you ever tried making any piece of art  using wires?  The first time I saw somebody using wires to create something was my father many many years ago. I was just a kid ! I saw him making loops with pliers alternating with the hard wire. He was at that moment making our laundry line. I didn't pay much attention to what he was doing coz my mind was far more occuppied with playing rather than to watch him forever making loops. But as I grew up and started to do house chores, I came to experience hanging our clothes to dry but our clothes line snapped due to wear and tear. The wire had become rusty and brittle through years of usage. Uh oh.... father wasn't around coz he was at work and gone for several days as a train ticket conductor. I had no choice but to try fixing the wire myself. It wasn't an easy task at all. I had poorly connected some wires together and they still snapped . So we had to just put the clothes on chairs and fences to dry. Father was able to fix it again as soon as he came home. I was amazed by the way he made clean and unified loops  to secure both ends of the wire. 

That scenario was embedded in my brains... clean unified loops to securely end the wires. So when I encountered beading with wires, I tried to visualize those loops my father did with the clothes line. It took me so many trial and errors before I was able to perfect my looping.  I had gathered countless pains and callouses just to be able to perfect my loops and hold 2 pliers in bending wires alternately. Geeezzzzz.... wiring wasn't easy at all. 

I had experimented with several brands and types of wires easily available in the market too . I had used BeadSmith non tarnish artistic beading wires , Beadalon , stainless steel wires, etc. Took me quite a while but I had now I had finally settled with Beadalon German Style Wrapping wires as my favorite so far. This copper and brass wire has a tarnish resistant coating and has the perfect half-hard temper and finish for most jewelry wire wrapping uses. i find this wire easy to handle and manipulate. 😍😍😍 

If you ask me what wire is best for wire wrapping jewelry ?

It would be based mainly on my experience using the 24 gauge jewelry wire often as my no 1 all-purpose wire diameter. This wire is fine and perfect to fit through most gemstones , glass / crystal beads. Durable enough to make good wire-wrapped loops. Although 22 gauge jewelry wire is also a good general-purpose wire gauge especially when I make my earrings. I do also like the 20 gauge wire for its thickness and hardness that can keep the desired shape I wanna create permanently. 

Jumprings of all sizes is never a problem if ever I run out of supplies coz it can also be created by simply cutting out of the artistic wires. Perfect  to incorporate in my earrings design just like the pearl earrings shown above . I always try to be resourceful and maximize whatever materials I have in hand. 

Wired charm bracelet with some curled wire hanging accents to give a very unique touch , enhance and complement the look of the  beads.

with wire-wrapping, the designs you can create is simply endless !
It's such an incredible craft !



Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Another Rainy Day ...

October 20, 2021 ~ Another pouring rain in Singapore today. 

The skies had been gloomy and dark everywhere since this morning but I am happy & thankful to have my plants watered without my efforts 😍👋. Less watering work for me and instant car wash to get rid of the dusts too ... hurray !

Dogs had been lazying around indoors all day. Sorry Gabby & Koda, no walking for us outside today ....

 Tiled floors outside and the Grass were soaking wet so they were not in the mood to wet their paws at all and keeping themselves dry indoors. Nice and easy to just nap and lay everywhere inside the house all day for them. Good life isn't it !

Watching Netflix movies lately had been the norm while alone with the dogs too.

I can watch as much as I can until dawn. Binge watching is an addiction wonder I had develop layers of eyebags these days. Helppppp 😆😆😆 LOL!

So no beading and painting had ever happened since the start of October at all. I admit I had been lazy and uninspired to do my crafts over the last 2 months. oh well, just call it as a simple break & vacation from my handyworks for a change. I badly needed a well deserved vacation anyhow to put a halt into my everyday house chores routine.

So far what else had kept me busy and away from beading ? Well, I had the pleasure of wearing my favorite crystal bracelets everytime I go out to match my outfits. I am such a diva spoiling myself sometimes ... why not 😝😝😝.

I had been bonding with some friends watching movies in  Lido Shaw Theater   too when they ask me to come with her / them . Right now we can only allow group of 2 persons so if we are more than that, we always have separate tables and keep safe distances between us. Imagine chatting over messenger with friends just a meter away from you ? that's the normal scene nowadays to avoid being fined for breaching Covid-19 protocols. Better be safe from prying eyes lurking around trying to catch offenders...

I had 1st watched the Nicolas Cage Movie ~ Prisoners Of The Ghostland . I would rate it as a poor type and  such a waste of time movie though. I got so very upset & dissappointed really with this type of low budget / crappy story movie. Pity coz how I love action movies starring Nicolas Cage.This movie is for me was a big fail for him. Not my type of movie at all. 

 Anyways, I tried watching another movie with my friends the following week and we went to watch VENOM this time starring Woody Harrelson. Oh wow, this one was entertaining indeed. I always love the humorous character of Woody Harrelson 😁😁😁.

Then a few days later , I went all alone to the theater to watch the latest James Bond 007 movie " No Time To Die"  starring  Daniel Craig. I never saw his previous bond movie but I found this latest one full of action and packed with good stories from the characters. A mix of drama , action & romance ! Bond movies always go for magnificent views and locations too. Awesome and I rate it with all my thumbs up 😍👍👍😍.

The pandemic is still soaring in Singapore lately with over 3k infections per day but I guess we better start treating such situations as the norm now or we would never be able to enjoy life outside our homes. I am now fully vaccinated with MODERNA but I know being infected is just around the corner and can be possible anytime if I don't take care when I go outside. The only thing is being vigilant and to avoid too much crowds. 

Safe distancing and wearing my mask needs to be observed at all times too unless you are eating or drinking. 

I hope Covid 19 will soon slow down ... hope hope hope ...

Take care of yourselves everyone and remember :

Always be vigilant 
Keep Safe Distancing
Wear Mask !



Friday, September 17, 2021

~ Kind of Sweet ~

September 17, 2021 ~ Presently, whatever is happening in Singapore regarding the spread of Covid 19 is quite depressing . Especially for the seniors who are the most easily physically affected . Poor elderly ...😭😭😭

No matter what we do to avoid the spread, the number of people getting infected is on the rise. Just yesterday alone is 800 and today, I got 2 health workers in PPE knocking on my neighbor's gate. Hoping my neighbors are ok and I suspect because of that visit, for sure they are on quarantine . I hope they are ok ... they are ladies in their 60's I used to greet hi / hello everytime they pass . They are nice & friendly Singaporean people. 

Anyways, I nowadays keep myself indoors as much as I can to avoid being infected 😟. My beads , crystals and dogs ( BeadsCrystalsDogs = BCD ) as usual are always keeping me occupied day and night, thank goodness !  I just hope I don't run out of  certain bead supplies coz Chinatown also got some Covid clusters so not advisable to go there these days. Sad .....😢😢😢

Lately, I had been creating necklaces, bracelets and mask cords. It always depends on what mood I am in when I do my craft. I can be doing mask cords for 2 straight days or just experimenting on a new design of wearable beaded crafts all night long .so long I end up sleeping at 6am the next morning ... aaagghhhh 😫😫😫 Crazy me right ?

 Whatever comes out suddenly from my mind ... my hands would instantly jump into my beading table...then I would forget the time ... ooopppssss 

Below is a bracelet I had experimented one gloomy & rainy afternoon . Then came the necklaces I had created a day ago with a nice pendant made of pearls, superduos and seed beads. 

Visit my Pendant Tutorial video in You Tube here :

 I created 2 of this design in a matte pink and matte purple versions and both came out really  " Kind Of Sweet " ... what do you think ?

I named this design : 

~ Kind of Sweet ~

Kind of Sweet  Necklace ( Matte Pink )

Kind of Sweet Bracelet  

Kind  Of Sweet Necklace ( Matte Purple )
 of Sweet 

Kind of Sweet Bracelet 

Here are the materials I had used to  make them : 

11/0 Toho Matte Pink Seed Beads
15/0  Toho Mettalic Silver Seed Beads 
8/0 Toho Silverline Seed Beads
4mm Swarovski Pearls
4mm Swarovski Bicone Crystal
8 LB Fireline
Size 12 Beading Needles
Thread Burner


Wednesday, September 01, 2021

Let the Crystals Speak ...

The Beauty of Crystals and its healing properties fascinates me all the time. Just to look or stare at them for several minutes gives me some sort of tranquility and comfort . The cold to the touch feelin when I hold them or wear them even gives me a soothing cooling effect .

Crystals come in many forms and color. I am very much drawn to their sparkles and irridescent rainbow inclusions when angled & exposed to light. What a sight to see .. those glistening mini rainbows on the surface or those embedded deep within the stones. So magical ... Such a unique art form created by mother earth . Enhanced through rigid human labor to let the beauty of each stone come out into the open and be admired by everyone.

 I don't really mind being home all the time. Quarantine or not, I am happy to be home surrounded by crystals everyday .  They all give me calmness , tranquility and much pleasure everytime I hold and stare at them. Life is good despite of being at home all the time as long as my crystals, my beads, and my dogs are there to keep me company. 

All good 💖💖💖 !!!

I hardly have any human to talk to at home but my crystals all speak volumes in so many different ways ... will forever listen to them ...



Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Just a quick glance to simply remember the past ... 


Wednesday, April 21, 2021

New Wire Wrapped Earrings


About time for some wire wrapping method again. 
Challenging my fingers to twist wires of different gauges with my pliers is no easy task.
I need to manipulate 2 pliers at the same time to put the wire in place . 
Wiring needs concentration, precise hand moving technique and most of all ... great patience !

 Here are some of my new earrings which had been keeping my pliers busy nowadays. 

I had listed them in my 👉 Etsy shop 👈

Please have a look and maybe tell me what do you think of them ? 🙏🙏🙏
