Sunday, March 31, 2024

Let's Talk About Crystals ...

March 31, 2024 

I have something to say about Crystals which are Mother Nature's alluring minerals according to this magazine I had happily bought in Kinokinuya   Book shop located in Takashimaya Dept Store here in Singapore. 

Crystals are fascinating rocks / minerals used in so many different ways for thousands of years. Enchanting the lives of millions of people . We painstakingly go above and beyond to find , dig & unearth them.
They provide beauty , mysticism, healing and so much more in return to satisfy everyone who luckily possess them.

They had captured our imagination due to their beguiling colors and shapes. even given rise to beliefs that they can soothe, heal, energise and help us tap into deeper planes of being and take us to another world.

I myself  was drawn not only to the beauty these stones possess but i am also undeniebly  enticed to the beliefs accompanying them. My way of thinking and believing is most probably not same with others but no harm in telling what I feel and know about these stones. especially those I have within my collection. 

Collection of Semi-Precious Gemstone Spheres:
Amazonite,Sodalite, Monochrome,Chevron Amethyst
Strawberrry Quartz, Ocean Jasper, Etc

Crystals can be found in so many places around the world . They come in  millions of types and shapes commercially nowadays. we should all be hankful to human creativity in shaping them and help derived from the  modern technology in polishing them.

 I am so lucky to get hold of several pieces for my personal collection. I used them to keep myself in a relaxed state, my mood to be calm and to uplift a happy mood when I feel down and stressed out. These stones help me go through my day in unimaginable ways ... truthfully I feel different when surrounded by their energy and beauty. 

Rose Quartz Angel, Druzy Rainbow Fluorite, Tower, 
Agate Slab , Quartz Specimen

I discovered Crystals when I  gradually started making my semi precious beaded jewelries.  Oh my ... I didn't know there were millions of stones out there to admire. I was only exposed to acrylic and glass beads when I was in the Philippines back in my childhood years. Ha ha ... 

Now I couldn't even focused on which stone is my favorite among them all. I love Garnet being my birth stone but I also love Labradorite, Bloodstone and Lemon Quartz and so on I am so fickle minded I keep changing my mind everytime I see a new stone ... 😁.

Glittering colorful stone like Carborundum also fascinated me due to their rainbow glittering effect when exposed to the light just like the power of Labradorite with its fascinating colors. I have  a standing piece of Carborundum for house decor adorning my beading table fronting the afternoon window so I can see the sparkles while I do my beading during the day. 

It's so beautiful when it sparkles like as if I am in fantasy land ! 

 Further reading of the magazine I bought made me discover  that :
The Ancient Egyptians used Crystals and gemstones not only as jewellery objects but ground up into cosmetics for centuries too. They used them as paint to line their eyelids to protect themselves from the evil eye as well as to protect their eyes from glare when looking across the sun shimmering dessert. Wow ... now I know. interesting facts aren't they ? 

By the time of Ancient Greeks, the use of minerals & gemstones was well established. The greeks gave  the distinction between precious and semi-precious stones. the first referred to as gems or jewels are rubies, sapphires , emeralds and diamonds.

Vermeil Necklace with Rubilite, Emerald, Amethyst, Peridot

Every other kind of gemstone is reffered to as semi-precious and is often called a crystal, from the ancient Greek "Krustallos" which means both "ice" and "rock crystal" or quartz.
A Collection of  Quartz Towers ( Bloodstone, Fluorite, Moss Agate , etc )

Now we all know where the word "Crystal" came & originated from. I would really be very glad to know more about this enchanting product of Mother Nature so now is time for me to go and do more research and much more reading. 

So, See You all again soon ...

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