Tuesday, April 28, 2009
This is a long Lampwork Beads Accented Necklace measuring at least 26-30" in lenght with Czech Glass Fucshia Color Beads & Gold Plated Designer Metal Chain . I had created this sometime ago but I took a photo of it only this afternoon which came out ok.
#SPN0129+E = Aventurine n Lady Bug N+E Set SGD$20
Monday, April 06, 2009

What do you think about it ? as compared to the older one below :

Saturday, April 04, 2009
Above was the original photo I used for the banner or ISLAND-OF-BEADS.COM . I created this website last December out of I don't know what & why then neglected it just before the Christmas Holidays. Then few days ago, while working on my new laptop, I found the website again and decided to work on it to revise a lot of things .Plus, I had finally decided to put a logo to give it some face . I'm Just not so sure yet what description I could come out to that would nicely fit into this one as compared to MY-SECRET-CORNER.COM. which I'd been using for my beaded jewelries all these years. I guess , this site would be a great home for my tons of beads I have at home ! Only problem I encounter is, I still don't have any description for it . Although the tagline ... " There's a Reason for it " ... sounds ok to me ... for the meantime, still I'm not 100% convinced !
The site now looks much , much better than yesterday even if there's still alot of empty pages all over the site LOL !. I had uploaded some beads in it and had started re-arranging the categories but had not been on the item's prices yet. Need a bit of manipulation with Paypal buttons / Shopping cart to get the business starting on this one. Probably a week work ? OMG that would be very fast I must say ! Oh well... I had no sleep for almost 48 hrs now and my eyes are starting to twinkle in broad daylight ... too much work in the internet ... I better go drink more coffee before I take my son to his Judo class , hoping I don't fall asleep and snore there ! I'm soooooo tireeeeeeedddddddddddd!!!! Sigh !!!!